From Captain Chaos to Captain Sensible
They say 12 months in politics is a lifetime, and the past year has proven to evidently justify that saying. 2015 started with Tony Abbott at the helm of the good ship Australia and finished with a mutiny that left Tony abandoned by his shipmates, and a new captain - one Malcom Turnbull taking control and steering our ship to hopefully calmer waters. When I thought about writing this blog, I thought that an apt title for it would be "From Captain Chaos to Captain Sensible". Because it feels like this has genuinely been the case. It is as if the nation has collectively breathed a sigh of relief since the change of leader. So what went wrong? and how come the mood of the nation has changed so quickly since Abbott's demise? Let's rewind to the beginning of the year when Tony Abbott made one of his 'Captain's Calls' without consulting his cabinet. I am of course talking about honouring Prince Phillip with a knighthood. If you search Prince Phillip ...