Confessions of a Blogger!
Recently I was on Twitter and I came across a hash tag that was labelled #100confessions or something similar. It got me thinking that it was probably about time that I revealed some more facts about myself. After all, it was 5 years ago in my first ever blog, when I was very much a virgin blogger that I did this previously. 5 years is a long time in the blogosphere and indeed in our own lives. So I have decided it's time for the world to learn more about me - when the non x rated stuff at least! So if you are ready, here we go! I once did a hole in one on a golf course. Now I should say that I honestly find golf very boring and extremely tedious. I am not sure why a number of business meetings are done "on a golf course". I would much rather prefer watching a sport or even discussing things over a meal. The hole in one occurred at the local golf course where I grew up in the old country - England. I am a quali...