Crutches, Moon Boots & Physio
As a number of my regular readers would know I recently ruptured my Achilles tendon and had to have an operation on it. Well, my ordeal with the scalpel wasn't over after that initial slice and dice meeting. Five weeks later, having watched Manchester City win the FA Cup final on television, I noticed a swelling where the stitches were. It started to get worse over the next few days. To cut a long story short, I had to have another operation to clean up the wound as it had been impacted by a staph infection. Naturally, at the time I was not a happy bunny as it was putting my rehab (not Amy Winehouse style) back to square one. This meant that I would be in a half cast for 10 days, using crutches before migrating to a moon boot (which in the past week I have stopped wearing). So what is it like going about your normal daily business whilst recovering from an Achilles operation? The answer is quite simple - it's bloody hard. In the early days, just going to the bathroom was an exp...