Rain and lots of it!
"I have been convinced that this weather is a cunning plan of ducks worldwide...you will see loads of English carrying a brolly or two" Us Sydneysiders have just come out (fingers, toes and dangly bits crossed) of a very wet spell that lasted nigh on three weeks. Now I would be the first to admit that it is great that we have been awash with the life saving liquid, but there is a point where it gets beyond a joke (and I don't mean the one about the Englishman, Scotsman and Irishman!). The other joke is that the rain is falling on the coast and not really in the dam catchment area. Now obviously, the downpours do not compare to monsoonal regions of the world, but they can certainly get to you nonetheless. At present we have just entered winter and naturally the sun is rising later and setting earlier. So with the lack of daylight hours, coupled with grey and overcast skies, the city has been living in a kind of gloom recently. For those who don't know, winter in Syd...