Who Pulled The Plug???
"I rubbed my eyes (not sure why, but it felt good anyway) and re-checked. The computer still showed that the dam levels had fallen...My first thought was that a giant bird had paused over our main dam (Warragamba Dam for all you anoraks out there) and taken a huge gulp of our water!" One of the things I do on a regular basis is to check the water level of the dams that supply Sydney with it's drinking water. Now I don't drive out to all the dams with a dip stick and measure it that way, but I do go to the relevant State Government website to see how full our dams are. It's a cheaper and more effective way of getting the information. Also, I would need a large dipstick to effectively measure the water levels of the dams! I have no idea why I have an infatuation with dam levels. Maybe it was because I used to collect stamps when I was a youngster, and have been known to occasionally sing in the shower. Alternatively it could be that the publicity given to the level ...