A Road Trip
"I had visions of the kitchen sink coming with us but fortunately No Worries didn't give it a second glance...she reminded me that the pie maker and coffee grinder were coming as well. Suddenly, I felt sorry for the toaster" I thought I would update all and sundry as to what has been happening these past couple of weeks. Well, to put it briefly we have been on a relaxing family holiday to the Northern reaches of NSW and also across the border into hostile QLD (no passport required). Subsequently, I decided to give my creative blogging juices a break so that they could be re-energised for the new year (with the help of some lovely amber nectar and sumptuous Indian food). Our holiday started a couple of days before Christmas and incorporated a quick stopover in Port Macquarie and then a further drive onto Ballina arriving on Christmas Eve. As is the norm, the lovely No Worries decided to start her packing on the night before the holiday was due to start. In fact, she didn...