Abbott's Year of Failure
Well it was certainly a crazy 2014 here in Australia. Politically the government is currently more on the nose than prawn shells left in the sun for a few days. Fifteen months into the stewardship of the Abbott government and it looks that, barring a miracle, it will be a one term government. However, John Howard was facing decimation prior to the 9/11 attacks – and look what happened to him at the next election! Tony Abbott was elected mainly on an anti-labor vote. The Rudd – Gillard – Rudd debacle had left a lot of voters disillusioned with the ALP. Abbott fed on this disillusionment by using effectively three word slogans and reminding all and sundry how bad the then government were. Abbott would fix the budget, stop the boats and would bring stable adult government back to Australia. Oh, and the sun would shine and lovers would walk hand in hand through corn strewn fields! However, Abbott and his cohorts did not experience a...