The Modern Day God
Recently something dawned on me. It was one of those moments when it feels like time has stopped and a thought out of the blue hits you like a bolt of lightning. Thankfully for me I was not struck by lightning and I still continue to have many thoughts. What was it that happened? Read on... The other day my oldest daughter brought home a prayer box from school. The idea being that the child takes it home and sets up a praying area in a part of the home. It is to encourage, I guess, praying time for the family. Now I should say that my daughter goes to a Catholic School (hence the prayer box) but we are not Catholic. Anyway, we opened the prayer box, took out the cross, candle and mat and set it up in a bedroom. On the day we had to take prayer box to school I inadvertently put our netbook next to it. It was then I had the thought. In this high technological age it is now the computer that...